Hong Kong Voltage: Differences Among 13A/20A/40A Sockets

25 Mar, 2024

When renovating kitchens or homes, professionals will discuss with homeowners the required number of switches and sockets before starting construction. Among them, 13A and 20A sockets are commonly used in Hong Kong, while some high-power induction cookers may require a 40A outlet. Designers or craftsmen typically have some electrical knowledge. You need to inform them of your appliance’s power (W), and they can reserve sockets of suitable specifications for you for installation after renovation.

What do the values ​​13A/20A/40A represent?

How to determine which socket specification you need? First, you need to have a basic understanding of the three common values ​​marked on electrical specifications: “A,” “V,” and “W.”

  • A = Current The “A” in 13A, 20A, or 40A sockets stands for Ampere, which represents the rated current that the socket can continuously carry. Before starting renovation, you need to confirm with the craftsman how many 13A, 20A, or 40A sockets are needed.
  • V = Voltage “V” stands for Volt. The voltage in Hong Kong is 220V (single-phase electricity) or 380V (three-phase electricity). Most residential units in Hong Kong use 220V single-phase electricity.
  • W = Power When purchasing appliances, manufacturers often label the appliance’s power in Watts (W). The higher the electrical power, the more power the appliance consumes per second.

How to calculate how many amps you need for sockets?

Since the voltage (V) is basically constant, we need to determine the rated current specification (A) of the socket based on the power (W) required by the appliance.

The value of A for the socket determines the maximum power it can withstand, calculated by: A x V.

Maximum power the socket can withstand:

  • 13A socket: 13A x 220V = 2,860W
  • 20A socket: 20A x 220V = 4,400W
  • 40A socket: 40A x 220V = 8,800W

For example, if you purchase an induction cooker with a power of 3,200W, installed in a Hong Kong home with 220V, the rated current of the socket should be approximately 14.5A, so you should use a 15A socket. The most commonly used 13A three-pin socket in Hong Kong is not suitable for installing high-power appliances. Many high-power built-in ovens and induction cookers have powers of 3,200W or higher, so when renovating, request craftsmen to prepare 15A/20A sockets, which are almost a “specified action” when purchasing built-in appliances.

How to communicate with renovation craftsmen?

The three-pin switches commonly used by Hong Kong people are only suitable for electrical appliances with currents of 13A or below. When purchasing embedded appliances of 15A or above, independent switches should be installed.

Designers and craftsmen are generally familiar with Hong Kong’s electrical specifications. When purchasing appliances, you just need to inform them of the appliance’s power (W), and they can usually arrange electricians and prepare suitable 13A, 20A, or 40A sockets. Since the electrical layout is generally completed at the beginning of the renovation, remember to confirm with the craftsmen or designers early on.


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